Monday, December 16, 2019

Rig I made for Alliance: Heroes of the Spire. I did not do the animation, just the rig. Also shown is the Animation Track Editor I wrote that allows the animator to add the track times and play each one on loop. For every character in our game, there is an Ascended and Unascended (upgraded vs not upgraded) model and rig. We only had the Ascended versions animated, so it was also my job to copy and paste the animations and weights over to the "lower quality" Unascended models/rigs. This also meant a lot of re-weight painting.

Another rig I created for our Co-Op boss. I did not create the animation.

During my time at Rumble, I wrote our animation export pipeline in Python. This included creating an Animation Track Editor that allowed our animators to define animation ranges. The exporter I wrote would use these track times, bake all of the animation in the Maya file, and export out each animation as its own separate file over to Unity. I realize this is now a feature of Maya since 2017, but it wasn't when I wrote this. We still use this process for the next project we're currently working on.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

This was a rig that I created to be generated by a Python script that I wrote. It places the joints via locaters that can be moved around and automatically sets up all IK/FK, head tracking, set driven keys for the hands and feet, as well as zeroing out all scale, translation, and rotation that may have occurred while placing the locators.

Also part of the script is the ability to mirror one side of the locators to the other so you only have to set up half the character.

Other scripts used that I created for this set up is a shelf button to match one controller's attributes to the opposite side's matching controller. As well as another shelf button that flips the pose exactly for all of the controllers to easily flip/mirror positions. For example: Quickly setting up a run/walk cycle, or flipping right/left handedness for say a shooting animation.

The rig itself can be made to fit nearly any biped. It also has functionality built in for adding cape joints, tail joints, robe joints, and hair joints. Weapon attachments can also be used to snap a weapon to the hands or thighs, or able to freely move them around. For example: Dropping a weapon when dying. Removing a weapon from a holster.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

This is a model I did to recreate a photo of a model. 100% hand painted texture, no photo-copying. Modeled in Maya, painted in Mudbox and Photoshop.


Flat Shaded


Original Photo

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

This was a sci-fi scene I created from provided concept art for an art test. 3 days, 2 1024 textures, and less than 9,000 triangles.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

This was an oil derrick I made with a 5k triangle budget, and a 2048 texture budget. This took about 3 days to complete and import in to UDK for completion. It is about 20-25 feet tall, and is a pretty large asset.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

This is a scene I made to resemble Bastion, a great little game. Also, it was good practice to work on a cartoon style environment.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Here are a few screenshots from the work I did at Total Immersion Software. It was primarily for simulator work, and our engine was far from final. Unfortunately, I lost a majority of my screenshots I had, but these were a few I was able to salvage.

3ds Max was used for this project.

Here is a collection of weapons I created for Americas Army 3.0. Many of these can still be found on the official website in the desktop wallpaper section.

And here is a video of all of the weapons I created. No music, just basic turntables.


Here are a few characters I've made for fun. Mudbox and Maya screenshots. Painted using Photoshop and Mudbox.

Maya Wireframe
Maya Wireframe

Maya Shaded








Maya Render

Maya Shaded
Maya Wireframe

Maya Shaded


Maya Normal Map
Maya Wireframe

Maya Shaded

Maya Wireframe
Maya Normal Map